T-REC Advancement in Global Recognition
In order to attract international enterprises to participate in the T-REC scheme, our team has been actively promoting the global recognition of T-REC mechanism by connecting with several international renewable energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) management organizations and initiatives. Up to now, T-REC have been linked to CDP, EPEAT and RE100, namely T-REC can be deemed as a qualified certificate for the use of renewable energy in Taiwan and applied to the aforementioned units.
CDP, a global environmental information disclosure system, analyzes the environmental conditions of enterprises, cities, or regions through extensive invitations and collection of the invitees’ CDP questionnaire survey results, so that stakeholders can roughly understand their impact on the environment. The survey result and score ranking announced on the official website at the beginning of every year.
In 2018, CDP has adopted T-REC in the CDP technical description: Accounting of Scope 2 emissions of annual questionnaire, which means that T-REC is an eligible certificate for the use of renewable energy power for the calculation of CDP Scope 2 emissions. When the manufacturer fills in the annual questionnaire, the content of this document can be used as a reference for relevant answers.
The Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) is a global ecolabel for the IT sector. EPEAT helps purchasers, manufacturers, resellers, and others buy and sell environmentally preferable electronic products. EPEAT was developed using a grant from USEPA and is owned and managed by the Global Electronics Council (GEC).
The U.S. Green Electronics Council issued a new version of the EPEAT guidelines in October 2019, indicating that Taiwan renewable energy certificate is in compliance with the IEEE Std 1680.1-2018 Renewable energy standard, computers & display manufacturer or its cooperative supply chain Manufacturers can use T-REC as a certificate of renewable energy use for products produced in Taiwan's facilities, which are included in the EPEAT renewable energy use.
RE 100
RE100 is a global renewable energy initiative initiated by The Climate Group and the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) in 2014. Member companies must publicly commit to achieving a 100% green power usage schedule between 2020 and 2050, and report year by year on the use of renewable energy.
In the "RE100 Reporting Guidance 2020" published by RE100, T-REC has been linked with RE100, becoming one of the Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that can be used to fill out RE100 Reporting Spreadsheet 2021, as a proof of the use of renewable energy in the section of “purchased renewable energy” and “self-generated renewable energy”.
In line with the development of domestic renewable energy certificate market and the demand of enterprises sourcing renewable energy, our team will continue to diversify the Taiwan renewable energy certificate market. To expand the link of T-REC with international renewable energy use, greenhouse gas management, commodity procurement, green buildings, and investment management to enhance the value of the certificates and promote the development of the renewable energy certificate market.