Assist Corporates in Diversifying the Use of Green Electricity and Obtaining Certificates — Multiple Users in Single Customer Number Pilot Project
With the international trend of sustainable development, domestic and foreign companies are responding to the international green supply chain to encourage the use of renewable energy and turning into green enterprises, and the demand for renewable energy certificates is increasing. In view of the corporates such as financial, information retail and commercial brand have fewer production bases, and their main economic activities mostly occur in leasing commercial buildings, hence, it was challenging for this kind of companies to obtain renewable energy certificates for corporate social responsibility announcements and enhance corporate image.
In order to ensure those corporates, that situated in commercial building with no independent meter, can successfully obtain renewable energy power and certificates, the BSMI has launched “Multiple Users in Single Customer Number Pilot Project” in November 2020, to invite voluntary suppliers and demanders to participate in the pilot project, to try out the feasibility of procuring renewable energy power and certificates in the model of multiple users in single customer number, as a reference for the future formulation of relevant laws and regulations.
The pilot project span from the implementation date till December 31, 2021. The T-RECs supplier (the supplier) participating in this pilot project is renewable energy power generation enterprises or renewable energy retailing enterprises, with the power generation equipment registered; The T-RECs demander (the demander) refers to a legal entity, sole proprietorship or partnership firm that has the willingness to purchase T-REC. The demander can be a commercial building, department store, logistics warehouse or the user/ holder of customer number of the leasing commercial building.
The user shall obtain the agreement of the holder of customer number to participate in this project, and the holder of customer number shall handle the matters related to power wheeling of renewable energy power with Taiwan Power Company. The T-REC transfer mode of multiple users in single customer number is shown in Figure 1.
First of all, both suppliers and demanders who want to participate in the pilot project should register an account in the T-REC Center in advance to facilitate subsequent procedure of certificate issuance, transfer, use and declaration. Then, the supplier should apply to the T-REC center for transferring certificate, and attach the renewable energy certificate transfer application, the transfer document, the pilot project application and the cover of the Taiwan Power Company's renewable energy power wheeling contract.
If the demander is not the holder of customer number, the contract section of the relationship between the demander and the holder of customer number should be attached separately, which illustrate the electricity use relationship between the two parties and the calculation method of public electricity use. The participants shall carry out the certificate transfer operation in accordance with the relative implementation regulations and procedures. The supplier shall submit the electricity consumption information of the demander in the previous three months to the T-REC center, in a regular basis of three months. The electricity volume of T-REC is accumulated till December 31 of each year.
Figure 1 T-REC transfer model of multiple users in single customer number
The multiple users in single customer number pilot project is an important mechanism for Taiwan to promote low-carbon commercial buildings. It is expected that more and more potential participants of renewable energy certificates will join the market, to expand the renewable energy market, and to refine the related development environment and application services. In the future, the BSMI will also launch other demonstration projects for multiple applications of T-REC, such as green cloud computing services, renewable energy electric vehicles, etc., so as to bring individuals and companies more diverse economic activities and life experience.